Harvard University
Master in Arts (AM in History of Science)
University of Kent, at Canterbury, United Kingdom
Doctor of Philosophy in Law and Social Theory, July 1991
Notre Dame University-London Programme, London, United Kingdom
Masters in International and Comparative Law, June 1987
School of Law, University of Puerto Rico,Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Juris Doctor, May 1985
New York University, New York, New York, United States
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
Masters in Arts in International Relations, July 1983University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Social Sciences Faculty
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Magna Cum Laude May 1981
Experiencia Profesional
Nina Estrella, F.D.- Attorney May 1999 to Present
San Juan, Puerto Rico Lawyer. Involved in private practice in the fields of conflict resolution, civil rights, labour law and public interest law litigation. In addition, providing advice in the specialized fields of entertainment law and non-for-profit organizations.
International and local consultant experience in areas related to mediation of conflict, development, and International Law, among other areas.
Experiencia en el campo educativo
University of Puerto Rico – Aguadilla Campus
August 2013 to present
Auxiliary Professor: Hired to teach course in social sciences and political sciences at
undergraduate level.
Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz – Bolivia
September 2013
Adjunct Professor: Teaching at the LLM (master in law program) the course in
international trade and private international law.
Interamerican University – Barranquitas Campus
August 14, 2012 to July 31, 2013
Associate Professor: Hired to assist in the teaching program in the field of Criminal
Justice. Teaching at undergraduate level: human and civil rights; special criminal laws;
Introduction to criminology; victims of crime; and criminal justice system
Interamerican University – Ponce Campus
August 29, 2011 to July 31, 2012
Associate Professor: Hired to assist in the teaching program in the field of Criminal
Justice. Teaching at undergraduate level: introduction to political science, human
rights, sociology, and evidence. Teaching at graduate level: sociology of law, evidence
and criminal procedure, and white collar crime. Teaching both in traditional
methodology and virtual (via internet/blackboard) methodology).
Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos
January 1999
(Hostos Law Faculty)
Associate Professor. Teaching in the fields of international law (public and private), legal
profession, criminal law, criminology, conflict resolution, introduction to law and sociology of
law.Coordinated during the academics years of 2005 to 2007 the mediation and arbitration
clinic of the school, in addition to teaching the course of conflict resolution, legal
profession, sociology of law and hosting an annual conference on sociology of law (held in
April of each year).
University of Puerto Rico – Aguadilla Campus
August 2013 to present
Auxiliary Professor: Hired to teach course in social sciences and political sciences at
undergraduate level.
Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz – Bolivia
September 2013
Adjunct Professor: Teaching at the LLM (master in law program) the course in
international trade and private international law.
Interamerican University – Barranquitas Campus
August 14, 2012 to July 31, 2013
Associate Professor: Hired to assist in the teaching program in the field of Criminal
Justice. Teaching at undergraduate level: human and civil rights; special criminal laws;
Introduction to criminology; victims of crime; and criminal justice system
Interamerican University – Ponce Campus
August 29, 2011 to July 31, 2012
Associate Professor: Hired to assist in the teaching program in the field of Criminal
Justice. Teaching at undergraduate level: introduction to political science, human
rights, sociology, and evidence. Teaching at graduate level: sociology of law, evidence
and criminal procedure, and white collar crime. Teaching both in traditional
methodology and virtual (via internet/blackboard) methodology).
Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos
January 1999
(Hostos Law Faculty)
Associate Professor. Teaching in the fields of international law (public and private), legal
profession, criminal law, criminology, conflict resolution, introduction to law and sociology of
law.Coordinated during the academics years of 2005 to 2007 the mediation and arbitration
clinic of the school, in addition to teaching the course of conflict resolution, legal
profession, sociology of law and hosting an annual conference on sociology of law (held in
April of each year).
Ha ofrecido los siguientes cursos con el Instituto de Educación Práctica:
Técnicas de Negociación
Conflictos sin frontera (2012). San Juan: Situm Editores. (Conflicts without frontiers)
Lo común: poscolonialdad y derecho (2011/2012 editor). San Juan: Isla
Negra/Barco de Papel. (The common good: post-colonial theory and law) .
“Modernidade e a Memoria dos Excluidos: identidade, racismo e a igualdade”
(modernity and the memory of the excluded: identity, racism and equality) in Germano
Schartz (editor) Culture and identity. (2011,Editora Jurua, Brazil)
El vuelo de la esperanza: the legacy of special communities project (co-author with Marcia
Rivera; the flight of hope: the legacy of the special communities project in Puerto Rico 2001-
2004). Book (Fundación Sila M. Calderón. Forthcoming 2008).
“La Modernidad y la Memoria de los Excluidos: identidad, racismo y la igualdad” (modernity
and the memory of the excluded: identity, racism and equality) in Albert Noguera (editor)
Culture and identity. (Forthcoming 2007)
“¿Justicia? ¿Nación? ¿Reconciliación? Nueva Oportunidad Para la Modernidad de los
Excluidos” (Justice? Nation? Reconciliation? A new opportunity for the excluded during
modernity), en Calvo, Manuel (editor) Justicia y Democracia. Oñati (Forthcoming, 2007).
“Jóvenes, sin vida, muertos, a plomo” (youth, without life, dead, with a bullet) in Nina, Ruth
(editor, 2007) Un acercamiento multidisciplinaro sobre la adolescencia en el Caribe. Rio
Piedras: Alantea.
“El derecho como memoria colectiva: reflexiones en torno del imaginario jurídico en la justicia
popular” (Law as collective memory: relfextions regarding the popular justice imaginary), in
Crítica Jurídica, 2006, No 25 (Brazil/México). Also Publisher in Correas, Oscar (editor, 2007)
Pluralismo jurídico: otros horizontes. México: Ediciones Coyoacan.
Mediación: Teoría y Práctica (VOLUME- Mediation: theory and practice).(Situm Editores,
Ni una vida más para la toga: reflexiones en torno al estado del derecho (no further lives for
the legal profession: reflections regarding the state of the law). VOLUME Editor (Callejón
Publisher. 2006)
“Un Clavel Rojo : Memoria y Reconciliación en la Universidad de Puerto Rico” (A Red Flower:
Collctive Memory and Reconciliation at the University of Puerto Rico) Conference
Proceedings (2006).
“El derecho como memoria colectiva: reflexiones en torno al imaginario juridico en la justicia
popular” (Law as collective memory: reflections within the legal imaginary of popular justice),
Acta Sociológica (2006, Mexico).
Conflictos sin frontera (2012). San Juan: Situm Editores. (Conflicts without frontiers)
Lo común: poscolonialdad y derecho (2011/2012 editor). San Juan: Isla
Negra/Barco de Papel. (The common good: post-colonial theory and law) .
“Modernidade e a Memoria dos Excluidos: identidade, racismo e a igualdade”
(modernity and the memory of the excluded: identity, racism and equality) in Germano
Schartz (editor) Culture and identity. (2011,Editora Jurua, Brazil)
Rivera; the flight of hope: the legacy of the special communities project in Puerto Rico 2001-
2004). Book (Fundación Sila M. Calderón. Forthcoming 2008).
“La Modernidad y la Memoria de los Excluidos: identidad, racismo y la igualdad” (modernity
and the memory of the excluded: identity, racism and equality) in Albert Noguera (editor)
Culture and identity. (Forthcoming 2007)
“¿Justicia? ¿Nación? ¿Reconciliación? Nueva Oportunidad Para la Modernidad de los
Excluidos” (Justice? Nation? Reconciliation? A new opportunity for the excluded during
modernity), en Calvo, Manuel (editor) Justicia y Democracia. Oñati (Forthcoming, 2007).
“Jóvenes, sin vida, muertos, a plomo” (youth, without life, dead, with a bullet) in Nina, Ruth
(editor, 2007) Un acercamiento multidisciplinaro sobre la adolescencia en el Caribe. Rio
Piedras: Alantea.
“El derecho como memoria colectiva: reflexiones en torno del imaginario jurídico en la justicia
popular” (Law as collective memory: relfextions regarding the popular justice imaginary), in
Crítica Jurídica, 2006, No 25 (Brazil/México). Also Publisher in Correas, Oscar (editor, 2007)
Pluralismo jurídico: otros horizontes. México: Ediciones Coyoacan.
Mediación: Teoría y Práctica (VOLUME- Mediation: theory and practice).(Situm Editores,
Ni una vida más para la toga: reflexiones en torno al estado del derecho (no further lives for
the legal profession: reflections regarding the state of the law). VOLUME Editor (Callejón
Publisher. 2006)
“Un Clavel Rojo : Memoria y Reconciliación en la Universidad de Puerto Rico” (A Red Flower:
Collctive Memory and Reconciliation at the University of Puerto Rico) Conference
Proceedings (2006).
“El derecho como memoria colectiva: reflexiones en torno al imaginario juridico en la justicia
popular” (Law as collective memory: reflections within the legal imaginary of popular justice),
Acta Sociológica (2006, Mexico).
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