jueves, 28 de enero de 2016


(foto no suministrada)


LL.M., Trial Advocacy; Temple University, Beasley School of Law, 2005
J.D.; Universidad Interamericana, Facultad de Derecho , 2002
B.S., Finanzas; Goldey Beacom College, 1998

Experiencia Profesional

Attorney Córdova has devoted his legal practice to trial work in Puerto Rico appearing as first chair for both sides of the bar in a wide variety of cases before judicial, administrative, and alternate forums. As a litigator, he has tried to conclusion dozens of cases, obtaining favorable judgments, jury verdicts, and arbitral awards ranging from several in excess of $1M for claimants to many of zero liability for respondents. He has taken active part in multidistrict litigation before federal court, and has been appointed to and chaired numerous steering committees in complex, aggregate, and class action suits before state courts. His trial work has been successfully complemented with a strong appellate practice that has included briefing and arguing before state and federal appellate courts with several leading opinions being published. In 2010, after years of professional affiliations with local litigation firms, attorney Córdova founded his own practice and continues to focus his work on litigating civil and commercial cases, with a strong emphasis on general insurance law and defense and professional liability issues.

Besides his experience as trial counsel, attorney Córdova Morales has experience working with legal affairs from a non-adversarial perspective. During his early years in the legal field, he aided then Magistrate and now Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, Honorable Aida M. Delgado Colón, as a clinical judicial clerk in her chambers. Also, he worked as a law clerk in the revision of the property section of the Civil Code, and, from 2007 to 2008, he accepted the call of then Secretary of Health, Honorable Rosa Perdomo, MD, to preside as an administrative examiner over complex licensing and regulatory cases regarding health services in Puerto Rico.

Since 2005, attorney Córdova has combined his legal practice with work in the academic arena. He has been guest lecturer at the preeminent LL.M. in Trial Advocacy Program at Temple University, in Philadelphia, PA, and, for many years now, he has been adjunct professor in various areas of public law, including constitutional, procedural, evidentiary, and litigation courses, in addition to regularly teaching the entire six credits unit of Legal Research, Analysis and Writing at the Inter-American University, School of Law, in San Juan, PR. Also, attorney Córdova serves in several advisory committees for continuing legal education programs, and is frequently invited to lecture on ethics, insurance, and civil litigation.

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